
Certainty Herbicide FAQs: Answers to Common Questions About Usage, Safety, and More

Are you looking for a solution to get rid of nutsedge, fescue, perennial ryegrass, dandelions, or poa annua in your warm-season lawn? Certainty herbicide could be the answer—but you need to know how to use it effectively and how to keep yourself, your family, and your pets safe during and after application.

If you’re considering using Certainty herbicide, here’s everything you need to know about usage, safety, and more.

How Do You Apply Certainty?

To apply Certainty, you will need to mix it into either a backpack or hand-pump sprayer. In most cases of personal use, a hand-pump sprayer is adequate to get the job done.

Is it Safe for People and Pets?

Yes, Certainty is safe to be used around people—including children—and pets if applied according to directions. Just make sure to keep pets and family members away from sprayed areas until the herbicide has dried. You should also wear protective equipment when handling the product to protect yourself.

What Types of Grasses Can It Be Used On?

Safely applicable over a broad temperature range, Certainty can be used on southern grasses such as Zoysia, St. Augustine, and Bermuda—all without fear of damaging the turf.

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Will I Need to Water It In?

You will not need to water Certainty into your turf to make it effective. Simply spray the weeds with the herbicide and allow it to dry.

How Long Does It Take to Work?

The time it will take for the sprayed weeds to die will depend on the type of weed as well as the temperature. In general, you can expect the majority of weeds to begin turning yellow within two weeks of application.

Can I Use It in My Garden?

Certainty herbicide is for turf purposes and should not be used around any edibles such as vegetables.

Do I Need to Wait to Plant Grass After Applying Certainty?

Yes. It’s best to wait at least three weeks after application before you re-seed or over-seed your grass.

Do I Need to Wait to Mow After Applying Certainty?

Yes, you should wait to mow after you apply the herbicide. For best results, apply Certainty two days after mowing and resume mowing two days after application.

Can I Use Certainty in Conjunction with Granular Fertilizer?

Yes, you can use Certainty and granular fertilizer at the same time. It’s recommended that you apply granular fertilizers before you apply Certainty.

Will Rain Wash Off Certainty?

Possibly. If there is heavy rainfall within two hours of applying Certainty, it could be washed off. If this occurs, it is recommended to reapply after the lawn has dried.

Can Certainty Be Used on Golf Courses?

Certainty herbicide can be used on golf course tees, roughs, and fairways but it should not be used on golf greens.

Buying Certainty Herbicide

Now that you know more about Certainty, you can make an informed decision on whether or not it is right your weed-control goals. If you do decide to use Certainty, make sure you buy it from an authorized dealer and ask the seller any questions if you’re still unsure how and when to use this product.

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