
Unlocking Dance’s Health Benefits for Mind and Body 

I would like to discuss dance with you. I can’t perform a lot of “exercise” because of my weird body! I can dance, though. Okay, so if you saw me, laughing at my “dancing” would give your gut a serious workout. I wanted to share with you the health benefits of dancing, so I launched a real 30-day challenge. Dance can help you stay flexible, make friends, lower stress levels, and lose weight, according to studies. Learn more about the positive effects of finding your groove here.

Enhance Memory

Not only does dancing make you age well, but it also makes you graceful. A published study in The New England Journal of Medicine also shows how dancing improves cognition and delays dementia in old age. Now, scientific research has already shown that effects on memory caused by the reduction in the volume of the hippocampus can be reversed by aerobic exercise. In late adulthood, the hippocampus shrinks naturally, which frequently results in memory loss and occasionally dementia.

Boost Your Flexibility

Ballet dancers rehearse plies and arabesques, but they do more than just look good; they actually help dancers become more flexible and less stiff. By doing some basic stretches at home, you can avoid wearing ballet slippers and yet benefit from the art form. Flexibility exercises are a good way to reduce joint stiffness and soreness after exercise.

Take Away Stress (REDUCE THAT JOY!)

Tango! Find a partner, some music, and dance if the tension or anxiety gets to you! In a controlled study published in the Journal of Applied Gerontology, investigators found that partnered dancing and listening to music both reduce stress.

Reduce Depressive Effects

For instance, in the study that examined the dancing effect on subjects diagnosed with depression, it was established that indeed dancing lifts one’s mood. The most energetic group dance participants had the highest level of vitality and presented a few symptoms of depression. Feeling down? Tonight, grab a friend and head out to the dance.

Excellent for Heart Health

For people who are at risk of cardiovascular disease, dancing is an excellent activity. An Italian study found that those with heart failure who started waltzing greatly improved their breathing, heart health, and quality of life when compared to those who exercised by riding a bike or walking on a treadmill.

Improve Your Balance

An article in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity revealed that tango dancing might help older persons feel more balanced, so if you’re worried about falling, taking dance lessons could help. Frequent dancing will help you stabilize and improve your control of your body because dancing calls for a lot of quick movements and proper posture.

Boost Your Energy

Are you having trouble finding your motivation? Dancing lessons could be beneficial. Adults’ physical performance and energy levels could be enhanced by a weekly dancing program, according to research published in The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition.

How can I go about doing that?

I’m now completing the 30-day Move and Groove studio On-Demand program. Any video in their catalog is available for streaming to my smart TV. I can use any computer, tablet, smartphone, or smart TV to access all of the fitness videos and seminars even while I’m not at home. I can GROOVE as long as I can log in! I adore it and pay a modest monthly cost.

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